Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life with Decisions

Which step to take?

We all ask ourselves which is the right decision or the right step to take in life everyday. Everything we do will reflect on our future, small or big. But, how does one come down to these decisions. Just like that bird in the picture, there are so many stumps that he could have landed on, but why that one? Was it a much safer place? More beautiful? or simply just that one because it was the first one he saw? No one will know unless we ask him that and of course, we can't really ask a bird that question, can we now? 

During life there are decisions what we are proud that we have made and some that we regret making. I have made a lot of decisions in life that I am very proud of and still thinking about them. I have always been proud of making the right decision of going to the university that I wanted and taking the courses that I found interesting. The people that I have met have been amazing and wonderful. However, I have always wonder what if I went to the other University that I was also considering going. I would be studying totally different subjects and meeting different types of people. And I wonder, what if I made that decision, how would my life be right now? 

Obviously I do not  regret my original decision because I have had so many experiences with people, friends, school that I will never forget. There were so many life changing experiences that I experienced because of my decision of going to the university that I am in now. I am truly grateful for all the opportunities that I have received because of that decision. However, there are still many decisions that I regret or wished that I never had to experience or make.

So, can we always make the right decisions? Or do we think its the right decision because we want to believe that it is the right decision? To be honest, I think I have. For sure I think there are some decisions that deep down in my heart I know its the wrong one, but try to play if off as the right one. Simply mistakes in life that I have made that I don't want to think of as a mistake or decisions that I think are mistakes, but can't be redone.

Just wished the right decisions in life were as simple as hoping from one stump to another...


1 comment:

  1. Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.

    Napoleon Bonaparte
