Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Day of 2010 Photography Shoot

Before I start off, I have to say thanks to a special friend, Felix,  for getting me out and doing some last photography of 2010. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gone out in the cold and took some amazing pictures of Downtown Vancouver from Lonsdale Quay.

The day was really nice with fantastic clear skies and the sun out. It was nice seeing the sun again after days and days of rain and snow, however, the sun was up high at noon creating a lot of glare, making the camera over exposed. I wished I had more time to take pictures, but that is alright, 2011 will give me the opportunities that I need to go back again for more!

Downtown Vancouver

Burrard Inlet Coast

North Shore Dock (Shot idea from Felix)

Benches on the dock

Wide angle shot of the dock

Dock view with Vancouver in the background

Same shot as above but its in 16:9 ratio
Desktop wallpaper for 1920x1080

Hard at work (Courtesy of Felix)

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