Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Father and Son Badminton

Father and son badminton, what a good way to share some father and son time together! When I was in Hong Kong, I got the privileged to play with my little cousin at badminton and also watch my uncle play with him. Although my little cousin was not super good at badminton, we all had fun and was able to enjoy ourselves despite the limited time we had. Of course, my little cousin was just learning how to play. What made it enjoyable for me was he tried to smash the birdie every single time even though he was like 1 feet away from the net. He is such a hoot~ Nothing better than spending time with your family.

The smashing I was talking about...

Not sure why he is holding there...

Successful smash?

Does he hit it or not?

Father (Uncle Lou) returning his son's hit

Going for the all out smash!

To become a great player, one needs the game face and stance

Not trying for a smash?!!?

I miss my family, wish I could capture more of their moments together. I know one day I will be back to do so!


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